Fascial Stretch Therapy
Fascia is the connective tissue that encapsulates our muscles, joints, nerves, blood vessels, and organs.
Like an intricate web, it extends throughout the body communicating information to and from the brain.
Working with fascia can relieve pain both locally at the site of pain and systemically throughout the body.
Feel the difference with more space in the body, less constriction, more length, more mobility, and improved function!
You may experience an emotional release as we often store our repressed emotions and trauma in this tissue.
What is fascia stretching?
What to expect from facial stretch therapy:
Once you arrive, we’ll start with a quick review of your medical history and any aches or pains that you’re experiencing.
You’ll move to the table, lying on your back. I’ll guide you through some breathing techniques to help relax your nervous system.
I’ll assess your alignment and start gently moving your legs through a series of stretches.
We typically work our way from lower body to low back, mid back, upper body, and neck.
Occasionally, I’ll have you turn onto your sides to access different fascial lines.
The movements should never be painful, with your feedback we target a mild to moderate stretch.
The movements and sequence vary from session to session and are specifically curated based on your needs.
I like to close the session with a short guided meditation to send you off feeling blissful and dreamy.
Many clients experience a deeper sleep the night following their stretch as a result of the nervous system regulation that fascia work provides.
How clients describe feeling post stretch:
“Taller, longer”
“More space in the body”
“Pain free”
“Extremely relaxed”
“Tingly all over”
“Moving easier”