A New Approach To Physical Therapy

We develop a treatment plan based on your specific goals that incorporates multiple elements of healing to optimize your recovery and get you back to doing what you love.

Movement is just one piece of the puzzle. 🧩

Let’s Create the Optimal Environment for YOUR HEALING

Imagine what your life would look like if you felt rested, energized, pain free, and strong.

What would you achieve?

How would it affect your relationships? Your career? Your family?

Empower yourself.

Take control over your health.

Training for a race?

Want to keep up with your kids?

Looking to improve strength and mobility for longevity?

We do that too!

Imagine what you could achieve or how you would feel if you optimized your sleep quality, stress management, and nourishment enhancing your body’s natural ability to heal.

Physical Therapy Based On YOUR GOALS

Therapeutics may include: stretching, mobilization, strengthening, stabilization, agility, manual therapy, massage, IASTM, cupping, and KT taping.

Single Sessions & Treatment Visit Packages

Treatment packages include 6, 10, or 15 sessions based on your injury or goals

Training Programs

  • Rebuild Your Core program

  • Functional Strength program

  • Sport-specific training

Monthly Memberships

Stay on track with monthly sessions to progress or adapt your program as you achieve and set new goals.

East x West operates as an out of network service in order to provide one on one care and make decisions solely based on what’s best for you, not just what insurance will approve.

Clients often utilize HSA/FSA benefits

Our 3 Step Process

  • We discuss your injury or your goals and see if we are the right fit for you. No cost, no pressure!

  • Typically includes a movement analysis, range of motion, strength testing, gait or balance assessment.

    We’ll assess how well you are sleeping, how you are managing stress, and how you are nourishing your body.

  • A road map to your goals. Utilizing exercise, manual therapy, meditation, breath work, and nourishment we will optimize your body’s natural ability to heal.

    We will continually assess progress and adjust the treatments regularly.

    We’ll assess how well you are sleeping, how you are managing stress, and how you are nourishing your body.